Not many material goods increase in value, especially not automobiles (except for some rare exotic luxury limited-runs that have collector value), but designer bags can be one of the exceptions. They’re not only coveted for their timeless designs that don’t skew too far from of-the-moment trends, but also for their resale value. It’s not uncommon to find a Chanel or Hermes bag on the resale market for ten times its original price.
When it comes to buying a bag that you know will hold its value, the best bet is to buy from the brand directly. This ensures that you’re getting a genuine, luxury good. It’s also often easier to return a faulty product to the store and have it replaced with the correct one.
Buying from the brand direct also means you can get the fancy experience of visiting the flagship store and speaking with a dedicated, knowledgeable Brand Ambassador to help you with your purchase. You’ll also likely be able to choose the color, style and hardware of your bag, which is important when it comes to reselling.
The most popular bag brands to buy for their resale value include classics like Chanel, Hermes and Louis Vuitton, as well as more recent It bag favorites. Chloe, Celine, Bottega Veneta and Fendi are all designers whose bags have seen significant increases in resale value in the past few years as Gen Z has gotten into thrifting on luxury resale sites like The RealReal and Rebag. For example, Chloe’s signature Paddington bag became a modern classic under Phoebe Philo’s helm and has been worn by everyone from Kaia Gerber to Nicky Hilton. The iconic bag’s soft leather and distinctive padlock clasp is a perfect embodiment of the Chloe style DNA that values feminine, sophisticated and versatile pieces. luxury bags