League of Legends Lecture is an interdisciplinary course that explores the popular video game, League of Legends, through the lenses of gaming studies, eSports and sports psychology, and design. Students will develop critical thinking skills by studying professional-level gameplay and analyzing the cultural phenomena of the game through weekly homework assignments.
By its nature, League of Legends creates conflict. It’s not just the in-game conflict of wizards and demons killing each other – it’s also the countless interactions between players, which give rise to tension that can easily spiral into full-on fights. These spats are the source of much of the toxic behavior the game has become notorious for.
The goal of this class is to help you better understand what makes League of Legends so interesting, addictive, and difficult to master. As such, this course requires that you be an active League of Legends player with at least a level 30 account and at least one year of playing experience.
To achieve large skill growth or competitive level play, you must treat the game like you would a difficult and complex problem. When learning chess, for example, it’s important to begin by learning the fundamental rules and strategies of the game. Likewise, when trying to improve your League of Legends play, it’s best to start by learning the basics of the game, from how champions move and attack to their basic abilities and wiki information. This approach is often a better way to learn the game than simply spamming solo queue games hoping to improve, which is an ineffective and inefficient method of improving. 롤대리